Emerging Tech & $$ Chat
I recently had the opportunity to chat with James Hudson’s IDS 1107 Future Innovators X class at the Innovation Hub @ Florida State University. James and everyone at the iHub were amazing hosts and incredibly generous with their time and resources, so I’d like to thank them again. The purpose of the class is to give college freshmen an opportunity to explore the dynamic world of design, tech, and innovation. It’s really focused on hands-on skill development and technological experimentation.
Given that the audience was fairly new to this space, the presentation and talk I gave was pretty condensed because a) I talk a lot and b) attention spans in the modern age. With that in mind, I decided to share and open source the (expanded) deck I used for the chat. You’ll notice there is absolutely zero design and a lot of text on each slide. I uh cut out a lot of that text during the talk and used it as speaker notes, but I added them back in for this read-only deck to try and include the context missed from hearing me yap about each point.
The content itself is a look at the model // framework I use to run Wayspire and really how I look at building businesses and products in emerging tech. It definitely stands on the shoulders of giants, primarily the great work from:
- Lia DiBello
- Cedric Chin (https://commoncog.com/)